Translated Academic Works
TRANSLATED WORKS (ENGLISH TO HINDI) : Tiwari, G. K. (2016). Understanding Learning. Learning and Teaching (BES 123). New Delhi: IGNOU. Pp. 7-29. ISBN 978-81-266 for B.Ed. Programme of IGNOU. Tiwari, G. K. (2016). Approaches to Learning. Learning and Teaching (BES 123). New Delhi: IGNOU. Pp. 30-54. ISBN 978-81-266 for B.Ed. Programme of IGNOU. Tiwari, G. K. (2016). Professional Development of Teachers. Learning and Teaching (BES 123). New Delhi: IGNOU. Pp.…
Seminar Proceedings
PUBLICATIONS V (FULL-LENGTH PAPERS IN SEMINAR PROCEEDINGS) : Tiwari, G. K. (January 2016) Logical Thinking: Significance and Role of School in Development with Special Reference to Rural Setting. Proceeding of National Seminar on ‘Science for Rural India-2016’ organized by Vijanana Bharati (S.V.S.) U.P. Chapter III and B.R.D.P.G. College, Deoria, U.P. on 30-31 January 2016. Pp. 221-224. ISBN 978-81-929510-5-8. Tiwari, G. K., Bhattacharya, S. & Tripathi, K. K. (March-April, 2013). CHANGING…
Research Papers
RESEARCH PAPERS FROM PH.D./DISSERTATION Tiwari, G. K. & Bhattacharya, S. B. (May 2016). Development and Standardization of Rationality Test. European Academic Research (An International Journal with impact factor 3.45). 4(2), Pp. 948-961. ISSN 2286-4822. Tiwari, G. K. & Bhattacharya, S. B. ( October December 2015). Providing a Suitable Name to Rationality Test in Hindi. Samajiki Sandarsha ( a quarterly international research journal). Varanasi: Future Fact Society. 3(4), Pp. 115-119. ISSN…