CONFERENCES & SEMINARS (Paper presented)

  • A paper entitled ‘Social relevance of higher education in twenty  first century’ was presented in the International Banaras Hindu University Alumni Meet and Seminar (IBAM 2020) on ‘Higher Education in the 21st century India and Mahamana’s Vision’ on 17-18 January, 2020 15th  organized by University, Alumni Cell, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi in association with Mahamana Malaviya Mission.
  • A Paper entitled भोजपुरी भाषा के ऑनलाइन शब्दकोष निर्माण की प्रक्रिया के सैद्धांतिक पक्ष: एक विवेचन was presented in the two days national seminar on भोजपुरी का सांस्कृतिक बोध और उसकी वर्तमान साहित्यिक उपस्थिति organized by भोजपुरी अध्ययन केंद्र, कला संकाय, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi on 22-23 Jan., 2018.
  • A Paper entitled शिक्षण-अधिगम में साहित्य एवम् सिनेमा का अनुप्रयोग: एक विमर्श was presented in the 43rd Conference of अंतर्राष्ट्रीय शोध संगोष्ठी एवम् भारतीय हिंदी परिषद साहित्य और मिडिया: वर्तमान संदर्भjointly organized by स्नातकोत्तर हिंदी विभाग, राष्ट्रसंत तुकड़ोजी महाराज नागपुर विश्वविद्यालय, नागपुर, भारतीय हिंदी परिषद, इलाहाबाद एवम् हरियाणा ग्रंथ अकादमी, पंचकूला on 7-9 Sep., 2017.
  • A Paper entitled ‘Characteristics of Teachers for Accommodating Multiculturalism in Education’ was presented in the 49th Annual Conference of IATE on ‘Accommodating Multiculturalism in Education’ jointly organized by Faculty of Education, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi and Indian Association of Teacher Educators on 12-13 March, 2016.
  • A Paper entitled ‘Logical Thinking: Significance and Role of School in Development with Special Reference to Rural Setting’ in the National Conference on ‘Science for Rural India 2016’ jointly organized by Vijanana Bharati (S.V.S.) U.P. Chapter III and B.R.D.P.G. College, Deoria, U.P. on 30-31 Jan., 2016.
  • A Paper entitled ‘Place of Education in Corporate Social responsibility Practices’ was presented in the National Seminar on ‘Corporate Social Responsibility Practices in India’ organized by Department of Commerce, Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapith, Varanasi on 19 -20 Dec., 2015.
  • A Paper entitled बाल साहित्य: बालकों के शिक्षा के माध्यम के रुप में was presented in the National Seminar on इक्कीसवीं सदी की चुनौतियाँ: बाल साहित्य की संभावनाएँ organized by Department of Hindi, Faculty of Arts, Banaras Hindu University, 02-03 Feb., 2015.
  • A Paper entitled ‘Changing higher education and unchanged teachers’ Was presented in the National Seminar on ‘Education and futuristic society’ organized by Faculty of Education, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi on March 31 & April 1, 2013.
  • A Paper entitled Professional ethics in teacher Education: Need and development was presented in the National Seminar on ‘Present scenario of teacher education: issues & challenges’ organized by Education, Govt. P. G. College, Ranikhet (U.K.) on Sep. 28th-30th, 2012.
  • A Paper entitled सूचना का अधिकार: शैक्षिक चुनौतियों के समाधान के रुप में was presented in the National seminar on वर्तमान शैक्षिक चुनौतियाँ एवं सूचना का अधिकार on 19th Nov., 2011 by Kashi Public Information Foundation,Varanasi.
  • A Paper entitled ग़्रामीण क्षेत्र के विशेष संदर्भ में नारी शिक्षा की प्रमुख चुनौतियाँ ’ was presented in the National Seminar on ‘Women’s education: new dimensions’ organized by Institute of Education, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi, U.P. on March 14-15, 2011.
  • A Paper entitled Empowerment of Rural Women: Challenges and Possibilities was presented in the National Seminar on ग्रामीण भारत में महिला सशक्तीकरण: चुनौतियाँ एवं संभावनाएँ organized by Department of Sociology, S.G.R.P. College, Dobhi, Jaunpur on March 7-8, 2011.
  • A Paper entitled सूचना का अधिकार अधिनियम: चुनौतियाँ एवं भविष्य was presented in National seminar on सूचना का अधिकार अधिनियम: उपलब्धियाँ, चुनौतियाँ एवं भविष्य’ on 27th Nov., 2010 by Kashi Public Information Foundation, Varanasi.


  • Participated in the 4th International BHU Alumni Meet (IBAM 2009) and International Seminar on ‘Higher Education: Global Perspective and Indian Vision” from 25th to 27th December 2009 organized by Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi in association with Mahamana Malaviya Mission.
  • Participated in the educational Seminar on ‘अधिगमशील समाज हेतु शिक्षक सशक्तीकरण’ on 19th, 2006 organized by ‘भारतीय शिक्षा शोध संस्थान (काशी प्रकोष्ठ)’.


  • Participated in a National Symposium on ‘Treatment and Rehabilitation of Cerebral Palsy in Indian Rural Context’ on 7th Nov., 2010 organized by Kiran, a center for Education, Vocational Training, Rehabilitation & Referral Services of Children and Youngsters with   Different Abilities.